Contextualising ‘Project Uplift’ through a Values-based Lens

Richelle Elek Jennifer Charteris Joanna Anderson Guido Posthausen Jane Clark


Aligning with the “all-of-ecosystem approach” of Project Uplift, this presentation highlights a values-based approach to the provision of high-quality learning at UNE. Drawing on a Signature Pedagogy for Student Wellbeing developed and refined through a three-year HEPPP project, the cross-university team highlight the value of a respectful and well examined set of principles. These are a broad conception of inclusion, a rejection of deficit discourse, student empowerment for wellbeing, and a pedagogy of care. The team advocate a strengths-based approach that draws on these principles as staff “refresh”, “revamp” and “renew” Uplift units. Inclusion is repositioned from being exclusively about disability to encompassing the delivery of a high-quality education to all. When educators reframe deficit language, new possibilities are opened that challenge stereotypes, and enable positive interactions that affirm identity and a sense of belonging. Encouraging students to act in regard to their own well-being fosters proactive, help-seeking behaviour and mental health literacy. Through a deliberate and responsive approach to care, educators and students can sustain healthy boundaries and develop resilience. When students’ motivations for study, aspirations and unique strengths are realised, relevant supports and services can be offered, empowering them to build resilience, manage challenges and develop a sense of connectedness within UNE.

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