Strengthening the spine: A Reflection on year-long units to enhance practice skills

Sarah Wayland Samantha Lukey


The Social Work pedagogical approach to teaching and learning values transformative reflective practice and teaching through connection with communities of practice. In 2022 UNE developed Social Work in Practice units (SWiP’s). Developed as ‘spine’ units, the SWiP’s have been designed to provide social work students with real and authentic experiences enabling them to identify and link the theoretical to the practical in building knowledge to become competent Social Workers. The experiences and learnings students are afforded aim to ensure they are translating their knowledge of theory into the relating of knowing, being and doing as skilled Social Work practitioners. Student evaluations previously noted that practical learning immersion was typically relegated to clinical placement only. The inclusion of these new 3 credit point units enable immersion into the Social Work profession in placed based environments with Social Work colleagues working in real-time roles sharing their experiences and expertise to support the growing skill base of developing Social Workers. This presentation will demonstrate how the units have been developed and explore activities implemented to enhance enactment in practice of core social work skills relevant to other disciplines.

Uplift Element

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