The application of an iterative and collaborative learning design framework in AGFN100 Fundamentals of Agriculture

AGFN100 Fundamentals of Agriculture is a foundational unit taken by Undergraduate Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor students, as well as postgraduate students from non-agriculture disciplines. It is designed to be taken in the first trimester of study and aims to prepare students for study of science. This unit is unique to UNE where a need was identified through engagement with students, industry and teaching staff for this foundational unit.  This presentation aims to demonstrate the engagement between a junior and senior academic with an iterative and collaborative learning design framework.

The three phases in curriculum development can be divided into design, implementation and improvement. By using an iterative approach the engagement with stakeholders where feedback is incorporated throughout the design and implementation phases, ensures the improvement is ongoing (Guru, 2017). The lecturers built the unit each week and asked for feedback from the students on additional skills and content they wished to learn. Both lecturers attended the weekly practical and tutorial, where they engaged not only with the students but each other.  After each class the lecturers debriefed, adjusted the materials and created additional videos to support the students based on the questions asked in class. This inbuilt reflection allowed an iterative approach to be taken for each class leading to a unit that clearly achieved the learning outcomes.

Guru, A. (2017). Iterative Process for Developing and Implementing a Curriculum, University of Nebraska,

Associate Professor Janelle Wilkes

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