UNE’s Second Life Space – overview


The virtual world tour of Australis 4 Learning, UNE’s Second Life space, will explore interactive tools on the island. Visited will be school classrooms and playgrounds, a hospital, pharmacy, computer shop, staff room, library (including a holodeck), small farm on three levels. Included in the tour will be the space recreated for a virtual graduation earlier this year. Participants will be able to interact with the environment – drive a car, fly a plane, walk, talk, fly, teleport and play on school playground equipment. If time permits, a virtual demonstration using de Bono’s Six Thinking hats or a virtual professional experience lesson will be shown.


Professor Sue Gregory

Professor Sue Gregory is the Head of School, School of Education, at the University of New England. Her role requires developing strategic initiatives and aligning resources that support the University and Faculty goals, and developing and maintaining linkages, internally and externally, including accreditation bodies, industry partners and community leaders. Sue has been Chair of Research, higher degree research course coordinator, UNE Education Scholar and a lecturer in ICT Education. She also holds an Advance HE Senior Fellowship. She has been successful in receiving $2.322m in funds. She also received an OLT citation in 2012. Sue has written over 160 publications on teaching and learning in virtual worlds and using ICT as a resource in online learning and teaching.


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