[image generated by Microsoft Co-Pilot Designer and Photoshop AI prompting - created by Raph Roberts in the Learning Media team]
We record every session and our presentations are ready to watch. Included on each page is an abstract and a synopsis to download as well as a recording of the presentation.
Watch presentationsWe greatly value your feedback to help us improve our next Symposium. Our survey will take no longer than 5 minutes.
Provide feedbackTim Fawns is Associate Professor (Education Focused) at the Monash Education Academy. Tim’s research interests are at the intersection between digital, professional (particularly medical and healthcare professions) and higher education, with a particular focus on the relationship between technology and educational practice. Tim’s research covers a broad range of educational practices (including curriculum design, assessment, teaching practice, evaluation and more), with emphasis on appreciating complexity in relation to online, blended and hybrid education. He has recently contributed to TEQSA’s Assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence guidance document and played a leading role in a range of sector-wide events to help institutions respond to the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence.